After the file exists in the library, you can click the Share action in the context-sensitive drop-down list of options to share the file with users you select or to make the file public. 当文件存在库里以后,您可以单击上下文敏感的下拉选项列表中的Share动作,与所选用户共享文件,或者公开文件。
You might want to copy the public keys to a central location on a Network File System ( NFS) share to enable people to add them to the known host keys list. 您可能需要将公钥复制到网络文件系统(NFS)共享中的中央位置,使人们能够将其添加到已知主机密钥列表中。
Indicates that the share can be seen when users browses for a list of shares; they will see both homes and a share with their user name 指出用户浏览共享列表时能够看见这个共享;用户可以同时看到homes以及与用户名同名的共享
Select one of the desired choices; Convert to/ Share column for all the subunits in the Subunit list table will be updated with the selected type. 从中选择一个您想要的选项;子单元列表中所有子单元的Convertto/Share列都会随着被选中的类型而变化。
If a profile applies to objects that should not share the same access list, then obviously that profile is too generic. 如果一个配置文件适用不应该共享相同访问列表的对象,那么很明显,那个配置文件太通用了。
It should be possible to protect queues with generic profiles, which as just described apply to a set of queues that can share an access list. 可以使用通用配置文件保护队列,通用配置文件如上所述适用一个能共享一个访问列表的队列集。
Because the group list is maintained at the network level, many different services can share the same group list. 由于组列表在网络级别维护,因此很多不同的服务可以共享相同的组列表。
Of course, in the meantime, I encourage you to download HC, test it in your environment, and share your thoughts on the ananas-discussion mailing list. 当然,同时,我还鼓励您下载HC,在您的环境中测试它,并在ananas讨论邮件列表共享您的想法。
You may have lots of information to share, but in email you are in a long list of others competing for your's attention. 你也许有很多信息要与人分享,但是通过电子邮件,你是在同时与很多人争取你的接收者的注意力。
Many forces have fueled the bull market we have witnessed over the past six years, but share repurchases are at the top of the list. 我们在过去六年看到的牛市是在多种力量作用下形成的,但股票回购是其中最重要的因素。
Last year's World Series triumph was overshadowed by a bat-throwing incident that sullied his reputation, and he has spent more than his share of time on the disabled list. 去年世界大赛的胜利也因他向击球手回掷球棒而蒙上阴影,他的名声也因此遭致玷污;还有他整季因伤所困,长期名列伤兵名单。
With it's separation from other Ruby installations, IronRuby does not share RubyGems with them ( as can be reflected in calling igem list)& although it can. 由于它和其他的Ruby安装程序是隔离的,IronRuby不会和它们共享RubyGems(也可以通过调用igem列表反映出来),尽管它其实也可以实现。
We will never share the addresses on this list with anyone. 我们不会将您的地址透露给其他人。
So I share this with all on my list. 所以我和我名单中所有的人分享此图档。
Disciple Yong Lee's response to the discussion; it is worth reading, so I share it with all on my list. 弟子荣利对这个讨论的回应;值得读,所以我分享它给我名单中的全体。
The sketch looks cute, and some of you might like it, so I share it with all on my list. 此素描看起来很可恶,你们当中或者有人会爱好,所以我跟我名单中所有的人分享。
They are so beautiful and different from ordinary seals, so I share them with all on my list. 它们非常美并且不同于平常的印作,因此我与我的名单中的全体分享它们。
As we share the importance of the peace centers and our commitment to peace& this list surely will grow. 如同让我们分享了和平中心和我们对和平的承诺的重要性这个目录肯定会增长。
His questions below are also significant to practice, so I share this email with all on my list. 他以下的问题亦与修法有关,所以我和我名单中所有的人分享此电邮。
Meanwhile, everyone on this list can share any information or discuss any question with the community through this email list. 同时,每一个列表上的人可以通过这个邮件地址列表跟大家分享任何信息或者讨论问题。
Financial management, general audit, benefits analysis, reconstruction of share holding company, design of list company, forcast of economic benefits etc. 财务管理、会计审计、效益分析股份制企业改组、上市策划、资产重组、经济效益预测等。
It looks beautiful, so I share it with all on my list. 它看起来很庄严,所以我和我名单中所有的人分享。
Document libraries are folders that make it easy to share documents with others. Each library displays documents in a list that can be filtered or sorted. 文档库是为方便与别人共享文档的文件夹。每个库都将文档显示在一个可以筛选或排序的列表中。
Right-click the tasks list name in outlook, and then click share tasks list name. 右键单击outlook中的任务列表名称,然后单击“共享任务列表名称”。
I want to share with all on my list the observation he made and the reflection he had. 我想和我名单中所有的人分享他的观察及他的反省。
; Anti-Infective Drugs had a big share on the top 10 consumption volume list. 在销售金额排序前10位药品中,抗感染药占较大分额。
Morn than 300 share initial public offerings ( IPOs) that list on Shanghai Security Exchange from February 2002 to April 2004 and the relation between the underpricing and more than 40 indices including the corporation finance, status of a new issue and macro-economics etc were studied. 对2000~2004-04上市交易的300多个首次公开发行股票的抑价问题进行实证研究和分析,并考察公司财务、发行状况、宏观经济等40多项指标与初始收益率的关系。
Is It insisted annual cash share out bonus 11 years to list, This paper analyzes why the company adopts such a long and steady cash dividend distribution policy and what influence does it the policy brings to itself. 那么,该公司为何要采取这种长期稳定的现金股利分配政策,公司采用该政策将给自身带来什么影响,本文对此作出了分析。
Main shareholders usually maximize their benefits through relating trades, share refinance, and obtain guarantee loans from the list company, etc. 通过关联交易、出上市公司为大股东提供担保、股权再融资等方法从上市公司为自己获取最大化的收益,是目前中国上市公司大股东不可避免的最优行为方式。